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Sql Server按日、周、月、季、年统计SQL语句

2023年3月7日 23:20 本文热度 922
--创建表 create TABLE Orders( Id int not null identity(1,1) primary key , Num int, CreationTime datetime ) --插入数据 insert INTO Orders(Num,CreationTime) select 98,'2021-04-21 09:24:23' union ALL select 82,'2021-04-24 12:20:50' union ALL select 91,'2021-04-28 11:36:29' union ALL select 98,'2021-05-01 10:31:14' union ALL select 84,'2021-05-02 11:42:41' union ALL select 76,'2021-05-05 14:11:26' union ALL select 62,'2021-05-08 15:16:34' union ALL select 53,'2021-05-08 16:38:50' union ALL select 32,'2021-05-10 15:16:34' union ALL select 48,'2021-05-11 16:38:50' union ALL select 39,'2021-05-12 15:25:11' --按日统计 select Convert(varchar(10),CreationTime,23) 日期, count(1) 销售次数, sum(Num) 销售量 from Orders GROUP BY Convert(varchar(10), CreationTime, 23) --按日统计 out 日期 销售次数 销售量 2021-04-21 1 98 2021-04-24 1 82 2021-04-28 1 91 2021-05-01 1 98 2021-05-02 1 84 2021-05-05 1 76 2021-05-08 2 115 2021-05-10 1 32 2021-05-11 1 48 2021-05-12 1 39 --按周统计 (年度周次) select datepart(week, CreationTime) 周次, count(1) 销售次数, sum(Num) 销售量 from Orders where year(CreationTime)=year(getdate()) GROUP BY datepart(week, CreationTime) --按周统计 (年度周次) out 周次 销售次数 销售量 17 2 180 18 2 189 19 4 275 20 3 119 --按周统计 (月份周次) select weekName 周次,count(1) 销售次数, sum(Num) 销售量 from ( select cast(datepart(month,CreationTime) as varchar(2)) + '月第'+ cast((datepart(week,CreationTime) - datepart(week,convert(varchar(7),CreationTime,120) + '-01') + 1) as varchar(2)) + '周' weekName,Num from Orders where year(CreationTime)=year(getdate()) )tb GROUP BY weekName --可以创建函数来获取周次 create FUNCTION fn_getweek ( @date datetime ) RETURNS nvarchar(50) AS BEGIN DECLARE @result nvarchar(50) select @result=cast(datepart(mm,@date) as varchar(2)) + '月第' + cast((datepart(wk,@date) - datepart(wk,convert(varchar(7),@date,120) + '-01') + 1) as varchar(2)) + '周'; -- Return the result of the function RETURN @result END GO select weekName 周次,count(1) 销售次数, sum(Num) 销售量 from ( select dbo.fn_getweek(CreationTime) weekName,Num from Orders where year(CreationTime)=year(getdate()) )tb GROUP BY weekName --按周统计 (月份周次) out 周次 销售次数 销售量 4月第42 180 4月第51 91 5月第11 98 5月第24 275 5月第33 119 --按月统计 select convert(char(7), CreationTime, 120) 月份,count(1) 销售次数, 销售量=sum(Num) from Orders GROUP BY convert(char(7), CreationTime, 120) --按月统计 out 月份 销售次数 销售量 2021-04 3 271 2021-05 8 492 --按季统计 select datepart(quarter, CreationTime) 季次, count(1) 销售次数, sum(Num) 销售量 from Orders where year(CreationTime)=year(getdate()) GROUP BY datepart(quarter, CreationTime) --按季统计 out 季次 销售次数 销售量 2 11 763 --按年统计 select year(CreationTime) 年次, count(1) 销售次数, sum(Num) 销售量 from Orders GROUP BY year(CreationTime) --按年统计 out 年次 销售次数 销售量 2021 11 763 --今天的所有数据: select * from Orders where DATEDIFF(dd,CreationTime,GETDATE())=0 --昨天的所有数据: select * from Orders where DATEDIFF(dd,CreationTime,GETDATE())=1 --7天内的所有数据: select * from Orders where DATEDIFF(dd,CreationTime,GETDATE())<=7 --30天内的所有数据: select * from Orders where DATEDIFF(dd,CreationTime,GETDATE())<=30 --本月的所有数据: select * from Orders where DATEDIFF(mm,CreationTime,GETDATE())=0 --本年的所有数据: select * from Orders where DATEDIFF(yy,CreationTime,GETDATE())=0

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